Dumpor: Instagram Anonymous Story Viewer and Alternatives

  • You may view public Instagram stories, posts, profiles, followers, and tagged posts with this free online Instagram viewer tool. Any web browser can be used to access the stories and posts that have been submitted to public Instagram accounts with the help of the web tool Dumpor. To put it another way, Dumpor allows you to access a person’s public profile anonymously to see their followers, following list, and content while in a live session. You will get access to the person’s entire profile, which will display not only their followers but also the accounts and posts they follow and are mentioned in, as well as any of their followers.

    You can access and explore public Instagram profiles using any desktop browser by using the Dumpor Instagram viewer. The user’s entire profile is visible, including their bio, links, posts with tags, and a list of followers. Even after an individual has deleted them, Instagram posts and stories downloaded from public users can still be viewed. However, you can view deleted posts and stories if you utilize Dumpor, which allows you to view Instagram stories without being noticed.