WP Full Care

  • Has regular WordPress maintenance been taking up a lot of your time? Instead of spending your days developing your business tactics, you are learning how to update WordPress themes, core, and plugins. Don't worry - we can help by jumping in and saving your time. We understand that WordPress maintenance isn't easy for everybody. That's why we have created a range of useful services that relate to different aspects of your website. For example, we will monitor your website for security breaches, as well as perform updates as soon as they become available. One of our primary goals will also be to speed up your website with our special software, all in the intention to have your website load under 3 seconds. At the end of the week, we will deliver a full report with everything we did. It goes without saying that you need to know exactly what you are paying for. And when it comes to WP website maintenance services, you'll find WP Full Care to have very competitive prices. We offer three different packages, all of which come with different prices and a slightly different range of services. We want you to be able to choose what works best for you - hence, the plethora of choices we give you. Feel free to get in touch with us and ask us any other questions you may have related to the process.

    Phone:             347-778-2558

    Website:              https://wpfullcare.com/